Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday School Lessons in the Real World

My oh my, it has been a while! I realized I had not updated in a while but I did not realize that it had been two weeks! The sad part is that I really have not even been all that busy, I simply have not sat down and taken the time to write. When I write these posts I want to be focused and feel like I have enough time to put all my thoughts down.

The biggest update I have is that I got a part time job! I will working for Middle Tennessee Medical Center part time starting next week! This is the position I originally applied for and was told they would not be hiring anyone; however, the job was reposted about a week ago as part time. I feel very blessed to have this opportunity. I also have an additional part time job opportunity but I do not want to say what just in case is does not work out. I go in this week to do paperwork and then do orientation next week! I am nervous but excited as well. Other than that, everything else has been about the same. I visited my good friend Elizabeth last weekend in Knoxville and we had so much fun! I also have had a great weekend as well. I did an overhaul on my room Friday night and am in the early planning stages of redecorating. Also on Friday, one of my sorority sisters that I grew very close to came over and we got to spend some time catching up. Saturday was pretty busy for me! Saturday morning I went and had brunch with my Dad at his favorite place, Stones River Grill, and then toured Oakland's Mansion with my dear friends Elizabeth and Brittany. Saturday evening I attended the musical Jekyll and Hyde at Murfreesboro Little Theater to see my roommate perform. Today I went to church and Sunday school and then spent the afternoon visiting with my grandfather at my house. I am pretty tired but grateful for the great weekend.

God is still teaching me a vast amount of lessons and doing an absolutely tremendous work in my life right now. I continue to feel that I am being healed one day at time. I know I have a long journey ahead of me and that there are still tough days ahead but I find my faith continually growing each day. I was very affirmed today because the sermon at church was on the passage from 1 Corinthians about building your foundation upon Christ that I had discussed in one of my previous blog posts. I felt like God was saying to me "Yes Chloe, you are on the right track! Don't give up, keep replacing the faulty bricks in your foundation with firm ones built out of my word, truths, and love.

This week God spoke to me through one of the Bible stories that most children learn very early on in their lives, the story of Noah. Now again, if a child is raised in the Church they have heard this story probably for most of their lives. During one of my devotionals this week in The Purpose Driven Life , the story of Noah was referenced. This particular lesson was focusing on surrendering to God. Though I was familiar with story, the devotional pointed out that Noah did not even question when God asked him to build an ark. Now I did a little bit of math, and according to the scripture the ark was supposed to be 450 feet long which is 150 yards-that would be 1.5 football fields!!!! I don't know about you but I do not think I would take that and go for it. Noah though did not question God at all. After I read this all I could think to myself is I need to be like Noah. I need to be willing to take whatever God tells me to do and accept it as truth and do it. Noah was also chosen by God to do this task because he loved God and found favor in his eyes. This made met think to myself that sometimes when we go through some phases/trials in our lives, we may not know at that particular moment what God has in store for us because of that phase, trial, or difficult task. Noah knew that God was going to wipe out the whole human race except for him and his family, can you imagine the equivalent work/blessing God would do in our lives if we trusted him as much as Noah did??? This old testament story just became so alive to me for the first time. I really believe God was speaking something pretty deep into my heart with this story. God also did a pretty cool thing in with this story as well. In this story, a reference is made to the 2nd month on the 17th day of that month as the day that the earth began to flood. Well ladies and gents, I read this very passage on February 17th. Did you just get chills, because I did when I realized this. I am not sure why God chose for this to happen but it did for some reason. As I have often been told "There is no such thing as irony in the kingdom of heaven".

My final thought is one that also came from this same lesson on surrendering our lives to Christ. Even Jesus himself prayed the night before his death "Father take away this cup from me" but he then followed that statement with "Not my will be done, but your will be done". My prayer is that though I face various "cups" in my life right now and I like Jesus have prayed that they be taken from me, but I pray that I can be wholeheartedly say as Christ did "Not my will be done, but your will be done".

Thank you Lord for having such mercy and grace on me, despite me being such a sinner. Thank you Jesus for your healing powers and for carrying me through this journey, I love you so much and desire so greatly for every beat of my heart and breath from my lungs be done for your glory. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.  Amen

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