Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Unsettled and Frustrated

The only way I can think to sum up how I have been feeling over the past few days is unsettled and frustrated. Here are the things that are causing me to feel this way:
  • I need roommates, without them I can not afford to stay in my house.
  • My MTSU jobs ends August 19th, I will barely be able to live off of my hospital income.
  • I want to go to Grad school but don't know where, which program, or how I will get there.
  • I found out I am working Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day-hadn't even been able to begin thinking about how different holidays will be now, let alone having to work on them.
  • In my counseling, I have unearthed some new dirt that reveals many of my struggles with relationships; it makes me feel defeated and that I will never have a functional happy marriage or a family of my own.
  • Despite my decision to not date right now, there is still a sense of loneliness that surrounds me.
  • I have been on anti-depressants for 11 months now and in counseling for 9-10 months and fee like I have made no progress. I now have to take two anti-depressants daily plus a sleeping pill at night just to be able to function somewhat "normally".
Yeah that's a lot. I carry these thoughts and feelings with me all the time. I am struggling with learning to let go but yet have faith at the same time. How does one do that? How is a person to be responsible but not worry about things? How do I not let these things affect my daily attitude? I am so frustrated and unsettled. It is wearing me out. I wish I knew the answers and that I could just wiggle my nose like Samantha from Bewitched and everything would just be hunky-dory. Unfortunately, life is not a 30 minute sitcom that can be solved with a twitch of the nose.

If you have read any of my previous posts, I am sure you can see why I am frustrated. I have this immense faith but somehow I get so defeated so easily. I do not want to be this way AT ALL but with every step forward I take I feel like I take two steps back.

Lord please help me not to feel so burdened, I know your word says that your yoke is easy and load is light. Lord Rescue Me from this opression.

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